About CarpentriesOffline

CarpentriesOffline was born out of the Software Sustainability Institute’s 2021 Collababorations Workshop. The idea was formed by a team during the Collaborative Ideas session, and the implementation began on the Hack Day. Our aim was to find a solution to the challenges presented when trying to run workshops with limited or no Internet access.

Funding and Support

Software Sustainability Institute: In 2022 I became an SSI fellow. As a fellow I received £3000 form the SSI to spend towards developing the CarpentriesOffline project. Since then I have received further support which has enabled me to obtain more equipment.

Newcastle University

Our current core team

The SSI CW 2021 HackDay Team

Our HackDay team. Very proud of ourselves for winning the HackDay with CarpenPi: Original Team
Flick Anderson Jannetta Steyn Sam Haynes
Emily Lewis Abhishek Dasgupta Alison Clarke
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